Randolph County Public Library

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Gain access to Randolph County Public Library's extensive catalog and find your next favorite book, e-book, audiobook, graphic novel, magazine, movie or song. You can also check your account, place holds or renew items, get library hours and directions, find upcoming events, or contact your local library. Additional features: •Forgot your library card? No worries! Use your virtual library card within the app to check-out materials online or in your local branch. •Download e-books, audiobooks, movies, music and more anytime, anywhere. •Scan the barcode of any book to find and reserve it through the Library. •Receive notifications about new materials or upcoming events.

For support using the app, contact support@sol.us
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Tel. +44 (0) 1355 813 600 Email. info@sol.us Web. www.sol.us